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The AFB Policy and Regulatory Network exists to understand and represent the policy/regulatory concerns of AFB members and advocate on their behalf with regulators and policy-makers.

Each AFB member firm may nominate one representative (plus an alternate) to join the Network. We suggest the individuals have a focus on policy/regulatory affairs within their organisation.

The Network undertakes the following activities:

  • Coordinates AFB members’ responses to policy and other consultations and, where appropriate, convening directly with (mainly UK) regulators/policymakers in roundtable and other formats on specific areas of interest
  • Scans the horizon for future issues and commissioning research where appropriate
  • Provides networking opportunities to members
  • Provides input into the AFB’s programme of practice and events in relation to technical/policy matters, so that the need for educational and networking opportunities for regulatory personnel can be serviced

The Network meets every 4-6 weeks for a 90-minute session.  Meetings are currently taking place via video conferencing due to COVID-19 restrictions.


Policy & Regulatory Network

If you are an AFB member who would like to join the Network please contact us.

Contact Policy & Regulatory Affairs Team

Policy and Regulatory Network